Aligning Soul

“Awareness is the greatest agent for change”  

Eckhart Tolle

Many people feel stuck in their life or feel that they do not know what their true soul purpose is. Every person has their own special gifts and talents along with a unique plan for this lifetime. But how do you find out what these are and how do you align with your soul destiny? Your soul knows this but most of us have forgotten our true essence.   

As a Quantum Creation Oracle and an Angel Light Practitioner, Linda can assist you illuminate and discover your soul blueprint so you can overcome challenges, align with your gifts and create from a place of flow, joy and soul expansion.  Through Axiatonal Re-Alignment, Linda can facilitate the reconnection of severed energy pathways to the higher aspects of Self, so your various energy fields are regenerated and harmonized according to your Divine Blueprint.


Soul Purpose Readings

Your soul purpose is the reason why you are here on Earth. Readings use the Soul Purpose System,  an in-depth system that works on sound frequency, as well as sacred numerology. Specific values are assigned to the vibrational sound of your full birth name in order to decode your destiny and identify your soul purpose. 

Your birth name and date are not coincidences. The sound vibration of your name is actually creating your reality. Sound is energy and vibration and every word we speak or think has its own frequency.  

There are 22 fire letters or creation codes, each with specific energies and expressions. The vibration of your name is linked to your specific letters/codes. The system looks at what energies are in your profile and where they are located in your soul blueprint. Your unique profile will be illuminated in order to explore your talents, challenges, goals and soul destiny. Many of us are stuck in our challenges, but we do have the power to change things and transmute these challenges into our greatest gifts.

A deeper Soul Purpose Reading can include re-programming and upgrading your DNA and soul blueprint to align with your highest destiny. It also can involve identifying and clearing health challenges, specific karmic programs, and past life influences found in your soul blueprint. This process can be transformational.

Relationship Readings for Couples or Families

This is another Soul Purpose Reading process that provides insight into the soul blueprints of the significant people that surround you and how they interact with your blueprint. All of the key people and relationships that surround you have essential and very specific purposes to play in the evolution of your own story. Illuminating how all of the creation codes interact can help you understand, support and empower yourself and your partner or significant relationship(s), to fulfill your life purposes.

Name Optimization

The sound of your name once decoded into Hebrew fire letters creates your programming and experiences of reality. Every name you use create layers of sound vibration and frequency. Name Optimization can help you transmute shadow energies in the coding of a blueprint that are creating challenges. It can also activate talents to align with your goals. The process may involve tweaking an existing name or choosing a completely new name.

Discover Your Own Truth. A Soul Purpose reading can help you: 

Reveal your true core essence 

Find out where you are in your soul’s journey 

Activate your gifts and transmute your challenges  

Determine your life pinnacles and personal years of unique energy 

Identify and clear health challenges, karmic programs and past life influences

Re-program and upgrade DNA and soul blueprint to align with your highest destiny

Live in alignment with your gifts and get into the flow of synchronicity and abundance 

Be the amazing divine being who is meant to play a transformational role on this planet


Linda would like to acknowledge Ariella Juno Indigo for her wisdom and training on this system and the late Dr. Frank Alper, a pioneer in universal knowledge.


72 Angels

This consultation incorporates the Tree of Life with the Aura-Soma® system. 72 sacred names in Hebrew are expressed in the context of sound syllables which emanate specific angelic energies. Each of the 72 angelic energies has its own name, quality and function and is governed by particular days and times. Your birthdate and time of birth determine which angelic frequency was present at your birth, giving personal relevance to the energy of that angel.

This is a transformational process where you can discover your personal guardian angel, as well as your heart, intellectual and spiritual angels. By working with these specific angelic energies, their sound, and their associated vibrational colours/plant/crystal essences, you can enhance the awareness of your light-body and raise your consciousness. 


 Axiatonal Re-Alignment

We are all Divine spiritual beings having a unique human experience. While our individual experiences may differ, we are all made up of the same Source energy. Over time, we have separated from Source and our higher levels of Self. As a result, the axiatonal lines that connect all levels of Self have disconnected. When this happens, the acupuncture meridians of our physical body are no longer able to draw in the higher frequency energies to keep us balanced. As a result, we struggle along at lower energies including fear, survival, pain, suffering, power and control. We feel disconnected and separate from the higher aspects of Self. This is not a natural state and eventually our Soul wishes to reconnect to the higher levels in order to come back into harmony.

As we embrace our wholeness, Spirit manifests more of its vastness in the body, which allows for greater light, love and wisdom to enter. We begin to express our fullness of who we are as Source.

What is Axiatonal Re-Alignment?

Humans have a field of subtle energy that is often referred to as the auric field. We also have acupuncture or meridian lines also known as Axiatonal lines. These are energy pathways that supply our physical bodies with vital energy, extending from the ground into the atmosphere and out into the universe. This is referred to as the “cosmic lattice” or “universal grid”.

Axiatonal lines feed into major spin points that lie near the surface of the skin. Spin points are small vortices of electromagnetic energy that emit light and sound frequencies which regulate the molecules and cells of the body. During an Axiatonal Re-alignment session, these spin points speed up, increasing the vibrational frequency of the person receiving the treatment. The faster speed dismantles negative emotional and mental patterns which cause “dis-ease” in the body. The spin points then balance themselves, maintaining a new healthy state.

This process helps to ensure that our Axiatonal lines are in harmony, allowing us to reconnect to our Higher Self, Oversoul and Source.

How is Axiatonal Re-Alignment Performed?

Axiatonal re-alignment can be done remotely or in person either lying down, sitting, or standing. Axiatonal lines are traced on the physical or etheric body. Spin points are also activated. As axiatonal energy enters the body, dense energy can be transmuted. These sessions are pleasant, deeply relaxing, and unique for each person. At the end of the attunement it is important to drink lots of water and take detoxifying baths to help clear the energy.

Reconnect to light, love and wisdom. An Axiatonal Re-alignment session can help you:

Clarify your life’s direction

Open blocked meridian channels

Detoxify your body naturally and gently

Feel more grounded if feeling off-balance

Eliminate old behavioural patterns in your life

Balance your chakras and the polarity of your body

Release physical, emotional and spiritual blockages

Refresh, balance, rejuvenate and harmonize your body

Release and shield negative energy from your auric field

Open channels to connect to higher dimensions more easily

Offset side effects of aggressive medical procedures (MRI, chemo, radiation)

Create deep relaxation and a sense of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing

Linda would like to acknowledge the Axiatonal Re-Alignment Certification training and the Master Level Reiki training received from her mentor Kerri Fargo of Circle of Light.

 The more people who awaken to their true potential and come into alignment with their higher destiny, the more the frequency of the planet will shift to a higher consciousness.